Publications | Moquegua


Nash, Donna J. 2011. Fiestas y la Economía Política Wari en Moquegua, Perú. Chungara 43(2):221-242

Nash, Donna J. and P.R. Williams. 2009. Wari Political Organization: The Southern Periphery. In Andean Civilization: A Tribute to Michael E. Moseley edited by Joyce Marcus and Patrick Ryan Willaims. Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA, Los Angeles

Williams, P.R. and Donna J. Nash. 2006. Sighting the Apu: A GIS Analysis of Wari Imperialism and the Worship of Mountain Peaks. World Archaeology 14: 455-468.

Moseley, Michael E., Donna J. Nash, Patrick Ryan Williams, Susan D. deFrance, Ana Miranda, and Mario Ruales. 2005. Burning down the brewery: Establishing and evacuating an ancient imperial colony at Cerro Baúl, Peru. In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102(48):17264-17271.

Nash, Donna J. and P.R. Willaims. 2004. Architecture and Power on the Wari-Tiwanaku Frontier. In Foundations of Power in the Prehispanic Andes, edited by Kevin Vaughn, Christina Conlee, and Dennis Ogburn. Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association 14(1):151-174

Williams, P. Ryan, and Donna J. Nash. 2002. Imperial Interaction in the Andes: Wari and Tiwanaku at Cerro Baúl. In Andean Archaeology I, edited by William H. Isbell and H. Silverman: 236-266. Plenum Publishing, New York.

Nash, Donna J. 2001. The Archaeology of Space: Places of Power in the Wari Empire. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Flordia, Gainsville.

Williams, P.R., Johnny Isla, and Donna J. Nash. 2001. La Frontera Wari en Cerro Baúl Limite Imperial con Tiwanaku. In Huari y Tiwanaku: Modelos vs. Evidencias, Segunda Parte edited by Peter Kaulicke and William Isbell: 69-87. Boletín de Arqueología Pontifica Universidad Católica Peruana No. 5, Lima.