About Us

Lab Director

Robert L. Anemone


Professor and Department Head
Biological Anthropology and Paleoanthropology
Ph.D., University of Washington
Email: robert.anemone@uncg.edu
Curriculum Vitae
Research Website

Anemone CV


I am a paleoanthropologist and vertebrate paleontologist with broad interests and experience in human and primate evolution. My fieldwork has ranged widely across geographic space (from the American West to eastern and southern Africa) and time (from the Cretaceous to the Pleistocene), as well as with respect to taxonomy (including studies of a wide variety of fossil mammals, prosimians primates, apes and hominins). Recently and along with colleagues at the University of Texas and Western Michigan University, I have been applying tools, methods, and datasets from the Geographic Information Sciences to the study of primate and mammalian evolution with the goal of developing a new, interdisciplinary Geospatial Paleontology.

Student Researchers

Jordan Crowell




I am an undergraduate at UNCG majoring in Anthropology. I’m mainly interested in hominin locomotion and 3D applications for research. Over the course of the 2016-2017 academic year I am doing a 3D geometric morphometric analysis of the anthropoid shoulder, including that of Homo naledi. I have been working in the 3D Imaging Lab since Spring semester 2016, mainly working with our NextEngine Laser scanner and photogrammetric approaches. I also have experience using a variety of 3D modeling and analysis software products including  RStudio, Landmark Editor,  MorphoJ, RapidWorks, Photoscan, and Geomagic Wrap.

Email Jordan












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